All The Training, Resources, Motivation and Professional Support Early Childhood Educators need to become Empowered, Organised, Inspired & Confident in their role!
Member Hub Groups - Leader Action Kit
Group Quickstart Guide with Member Cards
Educator Reflection & Growth Journal
Welcome Pack in the post
Let’s Do This Together! By purchasing here today you understand the following:
I understand that this annual recurring GROUPS LEVEL 1 membership plan gives up to 5 Educators from our early learning service ongoing annual access to all of the Hub training videos, program plans, planning templates, webinar recordings, mentor group and activity ideas within Member Hub for as long as we choose to continue the Groups Level 1 annual subscription payments.
We will receive details for how to allocate a Hub Group Leader and get started as a group in the welcome email that will be sent to the email address entered below.
We will also get access in this email to the BONUS 'Leader Groups Action Guide' and membership cards to personalise after payment is confirmed.
If we do not cancel our account before the next annual membership cycle begins (based on our date of signup), this card or Paypal account will be charged $997 for another year’s continued access (for up to 5 educators) to new training, planning tools, e-books, guides, mentorship and the private Facebook group.
I understand that we will receive 2 reminder emails before the next annual membership payment is due but can cancel our account and any future payments at anytime throughout the current annual membership period simply by sending through a quick email to Member Hub support.